Counos Platform has once again shocked the world with a service, this time in the form of Counos X (CCXX). There are plenty of cryptocurrencies in the market, but all of them have one or more issues that make them undesirable for a perfect money transfer solution. Counos Platform now has the solution. Counos X is the first bankable coin and has a fixed bid and ask price. This makes payments very practical for retailers and consumers, because a fixed price can be defined for a product and will remain as such, since the price of Counos X remains the same. Another advantage is the proof of stake algorithm. If you hold Counos X longer than a year, you will receive a 5% interest. If you keep Counos X longer than 6 months, your coins will increase by 2%.
- All in all, some features of Counos X (CCXX) that will be discussed in detail are:
- Payments made in seconds thanks to the Lightning Network
- Fixed bid and ask price
- 5% annual return
- 2% return after 6 months
- Easy exchange to dollar, CHF, EUR or other cryptocurrencies
- Best safety and security algorithms
- Worldwide transfer
- Fast
Experience the First Bankable Coin
Counos X is a bankable coin, which means you can buy it directly from your local bank, an amazing fact that is unprecedented in the world of Blockchain and crypto. No matter with which bank in the world, go to your advisor and buy Counos X through the Swiss ISIN.
Easy and Quick Trade With Major Fiat Currencies and Cryptocurrencies
With the help of the Counos Decentralized Exchange (Counos DEX) and the agents, it is easy to exchange Counos X with Fiat currencies around the world and to exchange back again. This is how you can send money to anywhere in the world any second without the need for a bank confirmation. Transaction fees are also very minimal.
How to Transfer Money With Counos X?
Transferring money with Counos X is quite elegant and simple. For example, let’s consider someone who wants to deliver dollars from Dubai to US. This way, this person can buy Counos X from a Counos agent in Dubai. He then sends these to US via the electronic wallet quickly and easily, and then an agent can convert the Counos X into dollars. Since the bank does not have to give a confirmation, this works at any time.
Payment of Goods or Services
A very safe and easy way to use Counos X is to pay for goods or services. For example, if you live in US and order a computer chip from Germany, you can use Counos Escrow Service and pay with Counos X to purchase what you want. The seller then sees the payment already made and can safely send the computer chip to US. He can then change the received Counos X to Euros or keep the Counos X and benefit from the 5% annual return.
Counos X Among the Top 100 Coins
Even though Counos X (CCXX) has been launched only two years ago, but it is now among CoinMarketCap Top 100 Coins. And rightly so, because no other coin has as many advantages as Counos X. Whether it’s the breathtaking speed or the security that the coin offers.
Don’t forget that Counos X is only available to a limited extent and is therefore only available to customers who secure the coin first.
To find out more, please visit Counos Platform.
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