SEC commissioner, Hester Peirce, recently appeared on the ‘What Bitcoin Did’ podcast, confirming that a Bitcoin ETF was definitely possible.
‘I Dissent’
The most notably pro-bitcoin SEC commissioner, Hester Peirce, appeared on the ‘What Bitcoin Did’ podcast at the weekend. Whilst unwilling to describe a future Bitcoin ETF as inevitable, she did confirm it was definitely possible.
Peirce first won the hearts of the crypto-community with her ‘statement of dissent’, following yet another denied Winklevoss ETF application. In the statement made in July, she publicly disagreed with the Commission’s view, that Bitcoin was not “ripe enough, respectable enough, or regulated enough to be worthy of our markets.”
She felt that the SEC had gone beyond its jurisdiction, in assessing the underlying asset, rather than the specific market that it would trade in.
In the podcast she reasserts that the SEC has a specific mandate, to uphold the regulatory framework. She believes that the SEC should allow for innovation within that framework and not become interventionist.
‘Crypto’ Not A Free Pass
Peirce explains that the SEC has brought in specialists to advise in the area of cryptocurrency, who have led the agency to take to a cautious approach. She believes that it is right to pursue those who use “crypto” in an attempt to scam people out of money but is pushing to allow more scope for innovation.
Just because you are calling something Crypto does not mean you can ignore the rules we have had in place for years… but I do think we also need to be willing to open the doors a little bit wider for innovation.
She stresses that although so far all cryptocurrency ETF applications have been rejected, they are still open.
Ongoing Relationship
Peirce points out that the commissioners have been inviting comments from the public, and that this process is extremely useful. The applications are an ongoing relationship or conversation, the SEC’s orders following denial simply point out issues to address.
Peirce explains that many comments enquire about the timing of the route to final approval, but this is not so easy to answer. Each proposal is assessed on its own merits, and each is designed differently. So when a particular proposal will convince three of the five commissioners is hard to say.
Peirce suggests it must run its course.
Meanwhile, this month Switzerland approved the first Bitcoin ETP to trade on the Six Stock Exchange. This is the main stock exchange in Switzerland and the fourth largest in Europe. So it seems the winds of change are blowing and it can only be a matter of time before they reach across the Atlantic.
Will the Bitcoin ETF be approved by the final deadline in February? Let us know below!
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