James Denney, a 30-year-old man from Anderson Township, Ohio was charged with two counts related to child pornography promotion.
According to the indictment, the accused knowingly promoted a URL on the dark net containing child pornographic material. He also helped a connected child porn forum user in accessing illegal content of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
Law enforcement authorities claim that Denney allegedly sent an undercover agent links to an online board featuring URLs to child porn chat rooms, video and image board sites, as well as to community support groups and online security advice for dark web pedophiles.
According to the state’s laws, promoting a URL containing child porn has a minimum punishment of five years in prison. However, also, aiding another person in accessing child pornography material could result in a maximum sentence of 20 years. The crimes Denney committed could put him in jail for a long time with a supervised release.
In December, a 37-year-old German was also accused of child porn-related crimes. However, his case was quite complex. The suspect was charged with serious crimes, including the possession of child pornography material, three handguns, drug trafficking, and the rape of his ex-girlfriend.
Court documents say that the 37-year-old was involved in the dark web scene since 2013. Police had been on the suspect’s trail for a long time. After they finally tracked him down, they raided his apartment. In October 2015, law enforcement authorities confiscated three fully functioning semi-automatic guns, a Glock 17, a Glock 19 and a Glock 26 pistols. Additionally seized was a handle and a silencer for the Glock 17 handgun, and 90 rounds of ammunition. Officials claim the 37-year-old purchased the weapons from the dark web and had them shipped as separate parts to his apartment. Police say the accused spent about 4,000 euros on the firearms. The charges include the illicit acquisition of nine essential components of semi-automatic short-armament, the unauthorized possession of three semi-automatic short weapons, and the illegal acquisition and possession of ammunition.
The suspect is also accused of the commercial production and marketing of counterfeit medicines in 89 cases. He allegedly ran a webshop on the internet where he sold Maxidus, an unauthorized herbal potency agent from January 2014 to May 2015. According to the prosecution, the 37-year-old German sold about 3,900 capsules and made around 6,000 euros in profits. However, the pills he sold were fake, the suspect mixed crushed Viagra tablets with cocoa powder in gelatin capsules.
In addition to that, investigators seized hard drives and mobile phones. On the devices, forensic experts found 33 images and seven video files containing teen porn and 127 pictures and 40 videos of child pornography material. On the iPad of the suspect, law enforcement authorities found incriminating evidence showing that the 37-year-old sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend in November 2011, June 2012, January 2013 and November 2013. Forensic analysts discovered videos of the sexual intercourses on the device.
The defender of the accused, Robert Alavi, managed to agree on four to five years in prison for his client. Despite the agreement, the Chamber continues the investigation.

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