
BitConnect Coin (BCC) reached a new record high value and market capitalization. Just in a matter of few months, the cryptocurrency has had a record growth, undermining numerous peers in business. The feat, as per the company happened due to state of the art development in the new range of utility apps and the upbeat market itself. BCC this week has set a new record for value per coin market capitalization and entered the Top 20 alternative coins list.

BitConnect Coin (BCC) is an open source, peer-to-peer, community driven, decentralized cryptocurrency that facilitates storage of value, investment and even a substantial interest on the balance stored in the wallets. Conceptualized in fourth quarter of 2016 and hitting the market in January 2017 itself, BCC has already gained a significant global following (50,000+ Till Date).

BitConnect Coin is thoughtfully crafted to offer financial freedom to the masses by reducing the dependency on centralized financial institutions. In addition, the cryptocurrency is also more secure than conventional financial instruments, eliminating the chances of identity theft and other issues that currently plague fiat based electronic payments infrastructure.

As per the leading cryptocurrency market website CoinMarketCap, BCC’s total market capitalization has crossed the US $10 million mark, making BitConnect Coin the fastest growing altcoin. The increase in the market cap saw matching growth in the value of BCC, which surpassed the $2 mark this week. BitCoin, the dominant player the industry, on the contrary, took more than two years to reach the level.

BitConnect Coin relies on a Scrypt (PoW/PoS) consensus algorithm with a finite number of tokens. The total number of BCCs in circulation is limited to 28 million. The finite ( restricted) number of tokens ensures value appreciation due to rise in demand with fixed supply. Moreover, it also facilitates faster transaction execution without compromising on safety, allowing people to make instant transactions between each other or to pay for purchases.

What accentuates the rapid growth is the promising future plans BCC has. Some of the prominent developments awaited in the BCC ecosystem are the BCC mining and staking pool, minting rewards, mobile app paper based wallets and the Smart Card. While this bouquet of these unprecedented services (upon successful implementation) offers unmatched value to the consumer, the mining and staking pool attracts special attention due to the earnings on deposit feature they prospect.

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