Peer-to-peer exchange has a bright future ahead of it. It opens the way to the “internet of transactions” and is preparing to shape the web of tomorrow and revolutionize the digital economy. libra-method.com is looking at this promising technology.
The Web continues to evolve: the era of web 3.0 or the Internet of Things quickly followed 2.0 or social web, but if we talk a lot about big data and connected objects, we very often seem to forget that in parallel, another revolution is emerging: that of Blockchain technology.
The principle of Blockchain technology
Blockchain, which means “chain of blocks” in English, is a technology inspired by the pirating of audio and video files from the 1990s “peer to peer”, peer to peer in French. It is the implementation of the solution of a mathematical problem called the problem of the Byzantine generals which consists in ensuring that a set of computer components working between them can manage failures or malicious acts. This cryptographic protocol is in theory inviolable since it must be able to maintain its reliability in the event that a minority part of the components sends erroneous or malicious information to circumvent the verification of double spending.
As such, it allows strangers to carry out transactions, without an intermediary, in a secure and safe manner, since each link in the chain guarantees the whole.
The best known application to date of Blockchain technology is Bitcoin, a virtual currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto, which is unknown whether it is a man, a woman or several people.
A bitcoin consists of a private key, made of 51 alphanumeric characters starting with the number 5, and a public key, made of 34 alphanumeric characters starting with “1” or “3”, of the style 15VjRaDX9zpbA8LVnbrCAFzrVzN7ixHNsC, which acts electronic wallet.
It is a real currency that it is non-perishable, identifiable (as with banknotes, each Bitcoin has its own number) and is impossible to counterfeit. This is even his great strength. Easy to transaction and store: a computer and / or a smartphone is enough. A Bitcoin is also fungible since it is interchangeable with another Bitcoin. Bitcoin is also divisible: a bitcoin is subdivided into 100 million units, called satoshis.
But beyond this single currency, Blockchain technology is the technology common to almost all other cryptocurrencies.
In view of these properties, Bitcoin is therefore a currency and should therefore be a widely accepted means of payment, even a store of value. The situation is very different. This intangible currency or currency, like all other cryptocurrencies, which allows its holder to buy goods and services on the internet, has neither central bank nor any central body, unlike conventional currencies. They grow apart from financial institutions and rely solely on a vast over-the-counter network on the Internet even if the regulator of the commodity market in the United States, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), officially declared in September 2015 that Bitcoin falls into the commodity category,
Not sure, the partners are skeptical and the regulators vigilant. However, cryptocurrencies, despite the difficulties they face, are indeed based on revolutionary technology. They should therefore, in the decades to come, be able to disrupt many parts of our economy, and why not our entire monetary and financial system.
Bitcoin from being confined to the mixed success of Bitcoin, blockchain technology is the subject of growing interest by actors in the world of finance for the multiple possibilities it offers in all sectors where a trusted third party operates.
The financial sector in the Blockchain era
Blockchain, the technology for storing decentralized information and decentralized protocols for verifying exchanges, interests not only governments but also banks and, far beyond, all economic players. Besides, finance will remain the first Blockchain market in the coming decade. Blockchain could reduce payment costs and, more generally, transaction costs by eliminating certain intermediaries
The OTC derivatives market is not the only segment interested in Blockchain technology. “Blockchains can save money for financial institutions, by eliminating many traditional intermediaries involved in the financial sector, and the various stock exchanges around the world are taking a close interest in it.

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