

A new blockchain initiative by a team of Dutch entrepreneurs aims to decentralize and democratize venture capital. Featuring the world’s first decentralized derivatives exchange, providing investors and speculators the financial tools they trust.

Options and futures redefined for the blockchain using revolutionary decentralized leverage solutions.

“We will build an ocean of value, drop by drop. There is so much potential still to be unlocked in the ‘internet of value’, and we believe we’ve found a way to take a big leap forward,” as Frank Bonnet said when asked to briefly explain the vision behind the DCORP initiative.

DCORP is a unique DECENTRALIZED CORPORATION aimed at funding and accelerating innovation whilst generating value for all stakeholders . It manages its own crypto-token (DRP) and the Ether (ETH) that it holds. The DRP token is used to give a voice to the shareholders (you), the Ether is used to fund projects and attract talent, in order to unlock value through innovative business applications. The uniqueness lies in the fact that every funded project is, like the derivatives exchange, a series of smart-contract which in turn generates more Ether for DCORP and thus its token holders.


Every part of the corporation and all its activities are transparent and open to review by anyone at any time. There is no downtime and the corporation is not susceptible to hacks or (DDOS) attacks.


Talented developers working on DCORP projects are rewarded for their work through periodic bonuses in Ether (ETH) for as long as the results of their work delivers value.

Inclusion of “Non-techies”
Participating in DCORP is as easy as using Facebook. Participants use a simple secure web interface that requires no knowledge of blockchain, smart contracts, command line tools, bytecode or JSON interfaces. This will allow people from any business discipline to submit ideas and participate in the realisation of their innovations and benefit from the value it generates.

After months of research, design and development the DRP Crowdsale is ready for launch. On the 1st of June 2017 the Crowdsale starts. Participants can acquire DRP tokens in the first 24 hours – ‘Angel day’ – of the crowdsale at a rate of 650 DRP / 1 ETH.

Media Contact:
Hansco Leek
Other sources of information:
Twitter: @Dcorpcrowdsale

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