
Zuger Crypto Valley has set a new milestone with the first Blockchain incubation program in Switzerland. Promising projects from abroad are moving to Switzerland.

The first edition of the CV Labs Incubation Program launches this week in the heart of the Crypto Valley in Zug, according to a Thursday announcement. Out of 500 applications, the top twelve startups (see below) from Germany and abroad were selected to move to Zug for the ten-week program.

Blockchain projects will receive up to $ 125,000 in startup funding, work with 70 mentors / experts, and gain access to the world-renowned Crypto Valley ecosystem. The second round of the program will begin in the autumn of 2019 – initial applications will be accepted.

Leading position of Switzerland

“With the CV Labs incubation program, we are leveraging Switzerland’s leading position in the blockchain industry to bring the next generation of blockchain startups into this unique ecosystem,” said Mathias Ruch, CEO and founder of CV VC.

CV VC invests up to $ 125,000 in the 12 participating Blockchain companies and contributes 10% of its equity. Participants in the program benefit from a comprehensive curriculum, education and coaching, the CV Labs network, CV Lab workstations, and a range of events.

Renowned Blockchain pioneers

The list of more than 70 mentors / experts includes some of the most respected Blockchain pioneers, crypto finance specialists, crypto lawyers and investors such as Mona El Isa of Melonport, Lili Zhao of Neo Global, Morgan Pierce of Seba Crypto, Guenther Dobrauz (PwC Legal) and Sara Simeone (Digital Oracles). All mentors take time for personal sessions and workshops with the startups.

The twelve participating startups can be found here:
AdHash, Assembl, Sprinter, CrypotPolice, Orvium, BHander, Tezure, BitFreezer, PocketJam, Kimeo, Bytes, Ptolemy

image by CV Labs

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