
A 20-year-old British model, Chloe Ayling was kidnapped and then auctioned on a sex market on the Darknet. This has made the Darknet marketplace a more dangerous place as it goes beyond the sales of drugs and weapons. In defense to this act, a man was sentenced to death over a child sex case in the Philippines.

The last time her fans heard from her before her rescue was on 10 July, when she posted on her Facebook and Instagram that she had arrived in Italy.

According to reports, the model was invited to Milan to have a photo shoot. Upon her arrival, she found herself in a suitcase instead of a photo studio.

How It All Started

According to a source, Ayling’s model agency in the United Kingdom set up a photo shoot for her in Milan. They received the invitation from a legitimate company which was believed to be looking for models for their ad campaign.

According to her, she found four strange men in the supposed studio with no camera. The four men were in possession of an anesthetic drug known as Ketalar. The men put a pillowcase over her head and put her into a large duffle bag. They then drove her to an event hall dressed with fake documents.

Information reveals that the kidnappers have set up a market on the Darknet where humans are trafficked, and they intended to sell the model on the platform for a price ranging from $300,000 of bitcoin.

Francesco Pesce, her lawyer, described the event to reporters: “She is such a young girl to have been subjected to such an ordeal; she must have suffered so much. He added that”It must have been terrifying to be alone in this house being locked up by strangers in the middle of nowhere. She was told she was going to be sold. It was scary.”

In 2016, a lady was identified to be working through the Darknet as a sex worker. The review on her profile even showed that her Darknet sex business was booming. It is no doubt that criminals are more comfortable to operate the Darknet network.

On the Darknet, their identities are protected and the currency used in trading makes its users anonymous. The combination of these illegal services and the service of the hitmen contributed to the shutdown of the two leading Darknet marketplaces. As part of the method to deal with human trafficking on the platform, DARPA was invented to discover human trafficking on the Darknet.

The police managed to make an arrest but the identity of the suspect was not disclosed. An investigation conducted revealed that nude pictures of the victim were found on the phone and the computer of the suspect. Similar photos were also found on the auction site on the Darknet.

After the model came out of her drugged state, she told the man that she has a child, and this is prohibited by the policy of the agency.

On the computer of the suspect, the police found a letter addressed to the victim: “You are being released as a huge generosity from Black Death Group.” The letter also says: “Your release does, however, come with a warning and you should read this letter very carefully.”

In the letter, the kidnappers apologized for kidnapping her as they were unaware that she is a mother. The letter reads: “You are certainly aware of your value on the human slavery market and must make a note that this isn’t personal, this is a business.”

“A mistake was made by capturing you, especially considering you are a young mother that should have in no circumstances been lured into kidnapping.”

The letter continues to read: “Second important factor you are very well aware of is your overall protection by one of our men and very well respected men who made a very clear and solid stance in your case.”

The company policy prevents one from kidnapping a mother, and as a way of benefitting from the time wasted, they demanded her to pay an amount of $50,000 in bitcoin.

The kidnapper was aware that the police might be looking for him, so he called the police that he had found a woman and she would be dropped off at the modeling agency. The police waited and arrested the suspect right after delivering the woman.

The woman after her rescue told reporters that: “I am incredibly grateful to the Italian and U.K. authorities for all they have done to secure my safe release. I have just arrived home after four weeks and haven’t had time to gather my thoughts.” She added that “I am not at liberty to say anything further until I have been debriefed by the U.K. police.”

The police now suspect that other young women are being auctioned on the Darknet, and they are conducting an investigation into the Darknet. The investigation has now been extended to France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom.

The suspect has been charged with kidnapping and illegally holding a person captive. The other suspect has not yet been arrested.

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