
Do you remember your favourite teachers? They did their utmost to educate us, receiving only a meagre government salary in return. In fact, little of the reward that teachers received was based on their talent or proficiency. Now however, priorities are changing, material income is becoming more vital.

Although years have passed, the education system remains full of flaws and creates unfair terms for both teachers and students. The latter often tend not to be motivated, leading them to drop out. All education institutions provide financial assistance to some students. Few however, are satisfied with the size, or the terms, of the scholarship they receive.

Furthermore, the modern education system is designed to serve the elites’ interests, doing little to enable class mobility. Increasingly, the unavailability of offline education leads many students worldwide to choose online services. Based on highly innovative technologies, online education platforms offer users the opportunity to educate themselves in a faster and more accessible manner.  However, All EdTech platforms currently suffer from low levels of course completion and user retention.

Tutellus has found an integrated solution

Tutellus, a Spanish company, believes blockchain technology will be a game-changer in the education sector. Blockchain technology has enabled Tutellus to create a decentralized platform with a new system of incentives by which all users get rewarded directly according to the value they provide to the community. Co-founder and CEO of Tutellus, Miguel Caballero, says:

“We will drive the next revolution in education by removing institutional and financial barriers. With a huge experience and eventful roadmap under our belts, we are now ready to answer the challenges faced by the education sector. Imagine the platform that benefits all parties: students, teachers and headhunters. That is Tutellus.”

The Tutellus incentive system will be based on NEM blockchain technology. Developers chose NEM because of the comparative advantages the NEM blockchain offers.

“It’s all about speed and customization. NEM is able to run about 1,000 transactions per second, compared to Ethereum’s seven. In addition, NEM allows companies to deploy internal blockchains, with no fees for transactions, which will allow us to keep track of our tokens’ movements” – Miguel explains.

The Tutellus ecosystem provides two kinds of tokens for its users: TUT and Smart TUT (STUT). The former, TUT token, is designed for clients to be able to purchase services and video courses on the platform. The students’ relevance and rating will be measured in the latter STUT (Smart TUT) tokens.

Supported by its partnership with Cryptonomos, Tutellus will launch its initial coin offering (ICO) in mid-May, 2018. A pre-sale of TUT tokens begins on May 10. During this period, Tutellus will provide users with a 20% bonus; the minimum purchase amount is 5 ETH.

A public token sale begins on June 12, 2018 and stays open until either July 12 or the hardcap of $40 million is reached.

Details of the Token Sale

  1. Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 15 000 TUT;
  2. Min. contribution: 0.05 ETH;
  3. Acceptable means of payment: ETH, BTC, XEM, LTC, BCH, ZCASH, DASH.
  4. Bonuses for early birds: up to 10%.

Tutellus also offers special bonuses for large investors that will be discussed individually with every purchaser.

Tutellus plans to allocate the funds to product and engineering (40%), sales and marketing (20%), publicity and PR (20%), operations (10%), security, loyalty and reserves (10%).

To participate in Tutellus ICO, visit and go through the Know Your Client (KYC) procedure to enter the whitelist.

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