
In spite of the attention-grabbing headlines, Venezuela’s new cryptocurrency, the Petro, has hit another snag, as the U.S. Treasury Department ‎is once more sounding the bell to remind the country’s investors about the sanctions that it ‎maintains on the South American country.‎

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Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro claimed earlier this week that his ‎country managed to raise $735 million in the first day of the Petro’s pre-sale. ‎However, U.S. officials say that such investments are off limits as ‎restrictions remain status quo.‎

‎“Available information indicates that, once issued, the petro digital ‎currency would appear to be an extension of credit to the ‎Venezuelan government,” the Treasury department said in a statement.‎

President Maduro has already confirmed this sense before, though the entire deal ‎about the U.S. sanctions was ignored. He said that Venezuela, with its high ‎debt load, is creating its own Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency, that would be ‎backed by the country’s oil riches, mainly to defeat the financial blockade. ‎

Although most of the sanctions apply to certain specific Venezuelan ‎individuals, they pretty much bar American investors from touching the newly-issued ‎virtual coin since it constitutes, in essence, a government debt issuance.‎

According to previous reports, the Treasury Department sees the Petro as ‎an extension of credit to the Venezuelan government. Because of that, it ‎could expose American citizens to legal risks as they are not permitted to invest in ‎any Venezuelan government entity for a period longer than 30 days. ‎

The relevant regulation reads:‎

Subsection 1(a)(ii) of E.O. 13808 prohibits engaging in transactions related ‎to, providing financing for, or otherwise dealing in new debt with a ‎maturity of longer than 30 days issued by, on behalf of, or for the benefit of ‎any other segment of the Government of Venezuela, its property, or its ‎interests in property. That subsection further prohibits engaging in transactions ‎related to, providing financing for, or otherwise dealing in new equity issued by, ‎on behalf of, or for the benefit of the Government of Venezuela, its property, or its ‎interests in property, which includes PdVSA.‎

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