Finally, a leak has emerged to the future interface of Telegram. The video shows the known functions of Telegram Messengers and above all the use of the native crypto currency TON. The user buys a game directly via telegram with the TON tokens and rewards a user for a published video.
Telegram’s TON project is designed as a multi-block proof-of-stake system. It is based on smart contract technology and designed to accommodate a new generation of distributed applications and digital assets. As Masterchain she will contain up to 292 associated Blockchains. These in turn include various services from micropayments to the provision of data storage.
Telegram is actively negotiating listing opportunities with major Asian crypto currency exchanges, including Huobi, Binance and OKEx. Many already assume that TON will outperform Ethereum and Ripple after market capitalization and will establish itself as number 2 behind Bitcoin.
But enough about the theory, let’s take a look at the video:
The interface has barely changed and still offers the familiar features. The integrated wallet is very easy to use. This allows publishers to be directly rewarded with games on telegram or other content by users.
image by Shutterstock – Bitcoin News source since June 2011 –
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