
ZKYLOS connects the dots between pet owners, breeders, national organizations, veterinarians, and regulators with its decentralized administrative solution.

It’s been a long time coming, but soon subjects of the ‘pet world’ will, at last, be united in harmonious coexistence thanks to advanced technology and the efforts of a fine team of enthusiasts. Pet-owners [and the entire community] will be brought up-to-date with today’s modern automated culture – using NEM blockchain – to rid unnecessary complexities.

One giant flaw in society has been recognized, carefully addressed and rendered to liberate the annoyance of timely and costly administrative procedures involving the entire industry of pet ownership. Now, business in animal breeding and perceivably simpler tasks like pet-registry are made what they should be – just that – simple.

While humankind is steady-away interacting on a worldwide scale – daily, with tremendous ease; the derivation of obtaining such high expectations to receive instantaneous transactions is inevitable. However, having become both extremely well-accustomed and adapted to the click-of-a-button and a ‘swipe of the finger’ it is certainly safe to say that when occurrences do not take place in this manner – questions must (and should) arise.

If the information is ready and available, it will be managed within an infrastructure where one can access that particular data – no matter what the market niche. The dawn of coinciding with machines is already way established, and we find ourselves arriving at an era of significant change. Demands for convenience with transparency is in our hands.

Zkylos has lifted a significant proportion of the world’s population who remain in a struggle of paperwork and repetitive, tedious processes. This outdated organization lacks in appropriate communication between relevant bodies and in turn, causes difficulties that, in this day and age, could be avoided.

An affirmation of a safe and secure place for animal-related data is in the making. Before, to own, show or mate a pet proved to be painstakingly achievable with dissatisfying resolutions that cost not only money but time and energy that could be better spent.

Previous situations of having to deal with recurring human errors forced two men to think “What are we doing? It is 2018; surely we should have fixed this by now?”

The company founders, Elias Konstantinides and Victor Grinchenko, refuse to continually conform to traditional rules and methods that are so out-of-touch with the future of which we already maintain.

It’s almost like these are the people who need a digital service the most, but yet, they are scared to plunge into an unknown world of computers and technology. A nation of dependants who don’t connect seems completely preposterous! We have the means to transform this society entirely, so if we have to be the ones to do so, then so be it! With pleasure!”

The aim is to refresh the single mind and deter individuals from filing one paper at a time by post and skyrocket data into one ecosystem that empowers all within. Animal lovers and the likes will see major benefits from the offset and wonder why a platform like this has not come about earlier.

“ The time has come to accept defeat – we cannot compare the human ability to that of a machine. Gone are the days of messenger pigeons! We must catch up with the rest of the world or risk putting ourselves through a lifetime of unnecessary tribulations. Zkylos has caught on to both ends of the spectrum and wishes to pull existences together. Everything and everyone in one online space free to chat and exchange.”

As current circumstances stand, to register a puppy (for example) it is down to the owner to physically fill out the papers and then press on with a number of actions. Meanwhile, offices that do not share a common knowledge inflict expensive fees and a need for aggravating repetition.

What’s more is that there is always the possibility of experiencing the irritations and setbacks of making an innocent mistake – that could potentially put you right back where you started.

Because organizations that are 100% compatible but remain without links even within one international infrastructure (like FCI), frustrations push for a new direction. Zkylos formed a motive to gel the community for the greater good of the public.

“ The fact that we have reached a point that surpasses even the most incredible ideologies of social interaction means we should be questioning those who still get away with profiting at a ridiculous rate at the expense of innocent citizens whose only interests are to comply to mandatory legalities.”

Zkylos will implement a system that works and evolves accordingly with its users – more so, to provide a service which is as transparent as is functional. The idea was inspired initially by the canine industry but with known prospects of expanding to cater for all animals. And then, the interest sparked.

Recognizable investors quickly made their move breaking boundaries and equipping the team with everything they needed and more to succeed in supplying to the entire scope and with incorporated AI.

“ Today, we are thrilled to reveal that both the crowdfunding campaign as well as the new demo are up and running. For the moment we have created insight for ‘pet owners,’ but right around the corner, we have a demo for ‘breeders’ in the pipeline. What is most exciting is that we are well and truly underway – we leaped from our concept and are grateful for how quickly and seriously people are contributing to making this project alive! One thing is for sure – progress really is unstoppable.”

With a walk-through already in place and leaving onlookers at the edge of their seats for the next, it is astounding to watch the development from all angles. Talking to the creators and the rest of the team inflicts a sense of relief – after all, it is 2018.

“ There is no doubt whatsoever that Zkylos will impact a global societal transformation. Finally, paperwork meets technology for this untouched area of the market. We expect a large number and variety of businesses will significantly advantage in no time at all. The Zkylos platform will be easy-to-use, trustworthy and something which many people have been waiting for.

To state that Zkylos will influence incredible benefits is an understatement, it’s about time that someone grabbed the nation by the horns and gave the gift of well-needed and well-deserved alleviation.

Zkylos believes we are one. Together for a better world, together for better pet-ownership.”

Let’s hope this sets a more prominent example to other similar markets that are struggling so that we can see the world flourish.

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