
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, the world’s leading proponent of decentralized currency, and the founding member of the Diamond Reserve Club with tokenized membership, Max Zaslavskiy continues on with his somber tale of the world’s deviation from the gold standard leading to multiple global economic crises.

Ultimately, in Zaslavskiy’s opinion, these crises will push the
financial and monetary systems towards some form of a global financial paradigm change based on a yet undetermined medium of exchange. Will it be gold? Paper? Diamonds? Will it be crypto or some other form or currency chosen unanimously by the planetary community or, a much more likely scenario, by a few select members of the Bilderberg club? The answers are in the “Part II: GOLD STANDARD VS PAPER SYSTEM”, which is the second part of the trilogy “The Gold Road To Plenty: BANKERS GOVERNMENT vs. PEOPLE”.  Part II is going on sale on Amazon on October 6.

“In the second half of the 70’s, early 80’s in the US there were lively discussions around the possibility and expediency of a return to the gold standard.” – says Max Zaslavskiy. “Ronald Reagan during his election campaign said that if he was elected, he would seriously consider the possibility of the US returning to the gold standard. When he was elected president, a “gold commission” was established, which comprehensively studied the issue. But the heated public debate never ceased, especially after the future chairman of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, wrote in 1981 a column in the Wall Street Journal in which he argued that the US should secure its treasury obligations with gold. Yet, in 1982 the Gold Commission came to the conclusion that it was unnecessary to return to the gold standard.”

Zaslavskiy and his co-author further ascertain that the US was very close to a return to the gold standard after the currency crisis of 1979 – 1980 and present the reader with a bold and unexpected line of reasoning as to why the return never occurred.

Today we are moving towards a similar crisis of the dollar. And, even though The Fed is seemingly taking various measures to stimulate the American economy, Zaslavskiy and Fischer are eager to ask the powers that be, whether these measures are designed to fortify the trust in the dollar or on the contrary – destroy it? The authors point out the many signs of that trust disappearing. In their opinion, the confidence in the reliability of the modern financial instruments, whose borderline fraudulent inadequacies became apparent during the housing market crash, is nowhere near the point of return.

The authors of “The Gold Road To Plenty: BANKERS GOVERNMENT vs. PEOPLE” argue in the “Part II: GOLD STANDARD VS PAPER SYSTEM” that today when many countries in the world need to recapitalize and strengthen national currencies utilizing such breakthrough fintech innovations as crypto, blockchain technologies, smart contracts etc., politicians are, again, shamelessly in the way. They seem to be unaware that, while confidence in financial systems continues to decline in the Eurozone, in the US, in Japan, the relatively young political and economic entities such as BRICS rise up looking for ways to claim their financial independence from the long discredited and altogether tired petrodollar scheme. Clearly, in Zaslavskiy and Fischer’s opinions, at least one-third of the world wants to go back to decentralized trade and exchange patterns. Where can investors go in this situation? What are they to do? How can they save their capital? Zaslavskiy and Fischer readily offer their solution.

They seem to be unaware that, while confidence in financial systems continues to decline in the Eurozone, in the US, in Japan, the relatively young political and economic entities such as BRICS rise up looking for ways to claim their financial independence from the long discredited and altogether tired petrodollar scheme. Clearly, in Zaslavskiy and Fischer’s opinions, at least one-third of the world wants to go back to decentralized trade and exchange patterns. Where can investors go in this situation? What are they to do? How can they save their capital? Zaslavskiy and Fischer readily offer their solution.

“When the US can no longer impose its hegemonic power to keep the dollar as the central element of the system,” – concludes Max Zaslavskiy, – “we find ourselves in a multipolar world, where no country can claim a monopoly on monetary conditions. This is the world in which countries themselves begin to choose the currencies that they prefer to use in international trade. When one can choose which currency to use for payments, and which instrument to use for storing value – that, my friends, is what I call financial and personal freedom”

The “Part II: GOLD STANDARD VS PAPER SYSTEM” is the second part of the trilogy and is scheduled to go on sale on Amazon on October 6.

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