
The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) published on Friday a list of thirty-two crypto-exchange exchanges in Japan. It includes sixteen exchanges that are already licensed, and sixteen other exchanges that have applied for a license and are currently under consideration.

The Japanese financial services agency approved eleven exchanges in September last year, among them: Money Partners, Quoine, Bitflyer, Bit Bank, SBI, GMO Coin, Bittrade, Btcbox, Bitpoint, Frisco and Zaif.

In early December, a license for working with crypto currency was also received: Tokyo Bitcoin Exchange, Bit Arg Exchange Tokyo, FTT Corporation and Xtheta Corporation. In late December, another Bitocean exchange was approved.

Until Friday, FSA has never disclosed the names of companies that have applied for a license and are pending. In addition to the aforementioned sixteen exchanges, another sixteen are currently not licensed. Among them is Coincheck, one of the largest crypto-exchange exchanges in the world.

Other fifteen: Minnano Bitcoin, Payward Japan, Lemuria Bitcoin Exchange, Campfire Corporation, Tokyo Gateway, Lastroots Corporation, Debit, Eternal Link, FSHO Corporation, Kirin Corporation, Bit Station, Blue Dream Japan, Mr. Exchange, Bmex Corporation and Bitexpress Corporation.

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