
Back in the day, iconic investors like George Soros used the best possible judgment they could come up with to find new market opportunities. Later on, came the “quants”, who managed to find opportunities with the use of computer algorithms and statistics. For Wall Street’s traders, the future is now based on machine learning models that can even run hedge funds by themselves.

Deep learning technology, however, requires super-powerful computers and a lot of data to work properly, both of which are out of the typical cryptocurrency trader’s reach, until now. Enter Beth, the first-ever closed-end fund providing investors the opportunity to take advantage of the latest deep learning technology and be a part of a new decentralized economy.

What is Beth?

Beth is a deep learning based solution that will be responsible for the management of the Beth Fund. It has been created by a team of four developers passionate about equality for everyone, and that have been working on the project between May and September of 2016.

Through complex trading models and strategies, and with the ability to keep learning, developing and improving over time, Beth allows investors to obtain great returns on its new generation fund.

Its platform allows every investor to monitor the portfolio using monitoring and auditing tools – it will even conduct external bimonthly audits to guarantee transparency to investors. The team behind it has great ambitions, as described by the project’s Head of Development Dr. Seiji Yoshizaki:

“Our goal is that the advances made with Beth transform it into a “killer app” in the field of deep learning and, as well, help popularize Ethereum and its technology throughout Asia.”

How will it work?

Beth will create a portfolio by choosing between a mixture of different assets, that range from bitcoin to different altcoins and other cryptoassets, based on its complex trading models and strategies that will inevitably improve over time. Beth’s system is able to choose an investment approach and varying strategies by itself, according to market conditions and movements.

The team behind Beth will monitor the process at all times and combine Beth’s strategies with its financial expertise in order to ensure positive results. Before being available, Beth will go through a training period, whose results will be publicly accessible.

Beth token holders will receive 60% of the fund’s quarterly profits, as another 25% will be reinvested back in its portfolio. Profit distribution will be conducted through an Ethereum Smart Contract to ensure automation.

The platform will be backed by high-performance computing systems, as the team is currently exploring the option of migrating to Golem-Elastic-iExec, provided the development of these platforms matures by the time Beth launches.

A commitment to FinTech

Beth, thanks to deep learning, is above conventional investment solutions. To keep learning and improving, Beth will not only rely on decentralization and automation, but also on its team that is committed to staying ahead and bringing down technological barriers.

As part of Beth’s commitment to the development of Fintech, it Is sponsoring the “Blockchain for Finance Conference Asia Pacific, Singapore”, that will unite various speakers who will discuss blockchain technology’s latest use cases and challenges. Among these are representatives of prominent organizations, such as:

  • Banks: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (Japan’s largest bank), China Construction Bank and Deutsche Bank.
  • Insurance companies: AIA Group and Allianz Group.
  • Exchanges: Japan Exchange Group and London Stock Exchange Group.

Beth’s Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

The crypto community will be able to participate in the platform’s ICO from June 5, 2017, until June 20, 2017. A user will be able to purchase an unlimited amount of tokens, priced at $0.50 each All of Beth’s 20,000,000 tokens will be issued at the ICO, as these will serve as proof of membership in the Beth Fund.

Early birds will be offered bonuses at the ICO: during the first day investors will receive a 30% bonus, followed by a 25% bonus on the second day, and 15% during the next five days. 70% of raised funds will be used to create the portfolio, while another 15% will be used to cover operational expenses. Remaining funds will be used as a reserve, hedged in bitcoin and ethereum.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of a next generation investment fund, we’d you advise to follow Beth’s latest moves at: Beth’s beta will be launched in July, and a training session will be conducted until October. Near the end of that month, the Beth Fund will go live.

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