
The Coin.Dance website has undergone another important update. Many people check this website to see support for Bitcoin Unlimited and Segregated Witness. Interestingly enough, there is now support for the UASF as well. An interesting addition, although it remains to be seen how things will play out moving forward. It will also serve as an indication for companies and service providers supporting BIP148.

The Bitcoin Game of Scaling Solutions

Every single week, it appears there is some news regarding the bitcoin scaling solutions. Bitcoin Unlimited, SegWit, Extension Blocks, and now the UASF are all potential candidates. The bigger question is whether or not any of these ideas will gain enough traction to activate on the network and make bitcoin scale, though. With enough opposition, none of these concepts will work in the long run.

So far, Segregated Witness has 71% total community support, a number that remains unchanged compared to about a week ago. Emergent Consensus, on the other hand, has 20% support, which is more than enough to block SegWit activation moving forward. This is why the user-activated soft fork has become so intriguing, as it would allow the overall community to force SegWit activation. Relying on just the miners will only lead to no progress being made at this rate, that much is certain.

It is interesting to note 3% of the network is openly opposing the user-activated soft fork at this stage. That is a rather surprising number, as many people would believe it to be much higher. Then again, it is still early to determine what will happen moving forward. The bigger question is whether or not service providers see the merit of the UASF. Right now, BitFury and BitPay are clearly favoring this solution alongside SegWit.  Atlanta Bitcoin is the only company opposing it, but they are firmly entrenched in camp Bitcoin Unlimited.

One thing that is painfully evident from the Coin.Dance page is how not too many companies like the Emergent Consensus protocol. In fact, it is the only solution that has more opposition compared to support right now. A total of 6 service providers oppose this solution, whereas 27 companies support it. Strip away the mining pools, and very actual support remains.

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About JP Buntinx

JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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