Combined inter-exchange cryptosystem, CrypStock, announces the launch of initial coin offering and profitmaking opportunity for token holders
CrypStock is a unique inter-exchsange cryptosystem designed to take crypto asset management to an unprecedented level, with revolutionary inter-exchange platform operations and financial infrastructure that allows holders of the token to make a profit. CrypStock has announced the launch of its ICO, throwing the amazing earning opportunity open to the public.
CrypStock concept is based on the integration of the orderbooks from more than 30 cryptocurrency exchanges. This unified orderbook and availability of the system own funds on every exchange create a unique trading platform, providing to it’s traders the best bid and ask prices in the market. Additionally, this approach is a base for a number of high-profitable services like arbitrages, proprietory algoritmic and block trading.
The CrypStock Inter-Exchange system concept is based on 2 components:
- A proprietary consolidated orderbook, integrating the orderbooks of more than 30 cryptocurrency exchanges and allowing trade operation like inside a single exchange.
- System own funds (contributed on token sale) distributed between all included exchanges and managed in an optimal mode.
This approach opens a number of unique advantages, impossible in the conventional exchanges. The most important of them:
- The best prices in the market – comparing with other exchanges.
- The business model significantly stronger than in conventional exchanges (based on market making and arbitrages).
CrypStock Exchange registered in Estonia is now in a process of getting an official exchange license in EU.
The project infrastructure also includes such profitable tools as:
- Already working and successfully developing crypto ATM network with the possibility of deposit and withdrawal of funds (working with terminals on your wallet directly). This network of ATMs, by the way, is also developing on the franchise model.
- The POS terminals network for points of sale.
- Agreement with the payment system (MasterCard) has already been launched and is being approved.
The profits generated by the above infrastructure are also distributed among the token holders.
The advent of digital currency has led to several developments across the globe. The popularity and acceptance of cryptocurrency have increased in recent times, creating unique opportunities for different stakeholders in the cryptocurrency space. Studies have shown that digital currency has created hundreds of millionaires across the globe, even as millions of people have lost their money trading or investing in cryptocurrency. However, cryptocurrencies can be sources of good profits if handled rightly and this is where CrypStock is coming as a lifesaver.
Based on the statistical data collected since the launch of the test version of the exchange, since January 2018 and taking into account the low market, we can accrue profit on tokens from 127% annually. When the market will recover and go up, these indicators will grow significantly.
The system has two tokens.
ICS token – main one and it will bring token holders the profits from 127 % for the first year, 216 % for the second year and 305% for the third year.
HICs token is a privileged one, it is issued to investors who contribute USD 5,000 or more and its holders can expect an additional 69% profit to the main indicators (ICS profits), that is, from 215% for the first year, 365% for the second year and 515% for the third year.
And once again, we want to remind you that this profitability will remain at any time if the market is low (as it is now). After all, the system earns on the difference in exchange rates and not on the growth of the value of these crypto currencies. When the market goes up, these profits will increase due to market volatility.
Finally, we would like to inform you that all tokens of the CrypStock system can be exchanged for ATM terminals at any time.
Pre-sale of the token will commence on June 11th, 2018, with BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, MONERO, T4T accepted amongst others. First four days it will bonus it’s contributors 40 % of tokens.
MVP of the project is already launched and your can find it at www.crypstock.com
More information about CrypStock can be found on the website, Telegram, and the whitepaper.

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