
Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook May 24.


DASH continues to look very bullish as the Tuesday session was very kind. The market reached towards the 135 level, and it looks as if we are ready to go much higher. Pullbacks continue to be buying opportunities, but quite frankly if you aren’t nimble and not paying attention, it would be very easy to miss that opportunity. Because of this, drilling down to short time frames is probably the best way to take advantage of what is obviously a massive uptrend. Selling is all but impossible and certainly would be reckless.


The LTC/USD pair rallied again during the day on Tuesday, using the $24 level as support. We are starting to form what could be classified as a bullish flag, which is a very bullish sign, so therefore buying still remains the only thing you can do. Short-term pullbacks of the $24 level would be a nice value play, just as a break above the $30 level would be. Because of that flag, I believe that the market is going to reach the highs again.

Thanks for watching and see you again tomorrow.


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