For the Data Brokering industry, the information age has become a lucrative vehicle. Data Brokerage companies traditionally obtain, share, and sell large volumes of consumer data, usually without consumer’s knowledge of them doing so. Our personal data is now a gigantic economic asset, our behaviours (including interests, attitudes and opinions), our purchases and our basic identity (age, location, gender) are all being monetised without any of that revenue returning to the consumer.
The Current Market
Datareum recognises the huge growth potential in the Data Broker industry, technological growth and the increase in data sources is predicted to cause the data broker market to increase 27% per year with the IoT (Internet of Things) being the largest contributor to this envisioned growth – it is expected to create an industry worth approximately 1.2 Trillion USD by 2019.
Presently, it is estimated to be a $200Bn industry and is dominated by huge international companies with pools of sophisticated data sets.Equifax for example are in possession of a data set collected from 800 Million individuals across the world, which generated the, $3.16 Billion in 2016.The market research industry itself managed to pull in $44 Billion revenue in 2015 with thanks to the fastest growing subsection of market research, online survey market research, which brings in $21 Billion of annual revenue.
Datareum Bounty & Airdrop Campaign
Datareum is positioning itself ahead of this steep growth curve and will be an disruptive force in the Data Brokerage market. The Datareum Marketplace will allow data providers, external markets and data requesters to trade their data freely.
The Datareum bounty campaign begins March 13th and will run for 8 weeks; the total bounty bonus to be paid to participants is 16.6 Million Datareum tokens, equal to $500,000. The bounty is allocated as follows and details on how to take part in the campaigns are detailed here:
- Signature Bounty 30%
- YouTube/Blog/Media/Article Bounty 15%
- Twitter Bounty 15%
- Facebook Bounty 15%
- Translation Bounty 15%
- Telegram Bounty 10%
In the various campaigns, participants are encouraged to get on to social media sites and leverage their influence. By submitting Datareum content to the sites mentioned, achieving certain goals and meeting particular requirements, participants will be duly rewarded with DTM token stakes.
Get Involved with Datareum
To take part in the Airdrop, participants are required to simply sign up to the Datareum Telegram found here and also by filling out this form. The 16.6 Million DTN tokens available will be shared out equally amongst all participants and be distributed 2 – 4 weeks after the Token Sale. The Datareum DTN Pre-Sale will commence April 18th 2018 and main TGE will be following after on June 18th 2018.
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