Advertisment, the developers of the Devery Protocol, is set to provide a decentralized verification platform, marking and tracking items over the Ethereum blockchain. Their Token sale reached their hard cap funding target within 17 seconds., founded by Andrew Rasheed, held their token sale on January 12 this year and was able to reach their targets without any institutional funding whatsoever, something they actively rejected as being unfair to the broader range of contributors.

The presale discount was a maximum of 5% with a 1% referral program. They did not change their discount even though they were offered multiple millions of dollars in contributions, focusing on making the token sale fair for all contributors. On reaching their token sale targets, Devery released the following tweet:

Devery’s Vision to Document Supply Chains and Battle The Counterfeit Goods Industry

The project focuses on the global e-commerce market, which is worth trillions of dollars annually. One of the major issues related to e-commerce is trust – consumers simply have to trust that the items they sold are as described, whether that be size or that the item is genuine.

Counterfeit goods account for billions of dollars in lost revenue for companies per year. is aiming to change this by allowing a transparent supply chain, and item tracking. All this would be done through Devery’s innovative protocol and application, Devery ensures that customers receive the goods they are actually promised, tracked across the entire supply chain to guarantee it.

Businesses can mark their products with unique identifiers stored and distributed via EVE tokens to verify products across their entire supply chain, helping them to maintain their brand and products. Retailers and consumers can also verify their products and their authenticity with the token’s unique markers. Devery’s goal is to provide the de facto product verification standard for online goods.

Devery CrowdSale and EVE Tokens

Devery launched their crowdsale on January 12, 2018, reaching their hard cap of $10 million within 17 seconds.

The total supply of 100 million EVE tokens have been distributed as follows:

  • 60% through their the crowdsale
  • 20% held in Devery reserves
  • 15% allocated for founders and advisors
  • 5% held for future contributors to the project

What Is Next For Devery?

In 2018 the company is focused on exchange listings, onboarding partnerships, and launching a live trial of the system with customers using their software sometime in Q1. Version 1.0 of their software, featuring the Devery Protocol is expected to be released in Q3. Their focus into 2019 and beyond will be expanding their partnerships and assisting with the development of verification applications tailored for specific markets.

For more information about Devery, please visit and download their project whitepaper. To take part in the crowdsale, click here.

Do you invest in ICO’s? Will you be investing in the Devery ICO? Let us know in the comments below.

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