Winds of change are blowing in the crypto space. All the signs are there that if Wall Street has its way, initial coin offerings (ICOs) will be replaced by security token offerings (STOs) – initial public offerings (IPOs) in disguise. Regardless of what happens, it important to shine a light on your ICO/STO – to give it the attention it deserves. A good ICO/STO marketing strategy must form a vital part of your broader strategy – as you can have the best product/service in the world, but if your marketing strategy is off target, chances are that you won’t be able to steer the ship away from the rocks. Let’s consider some of the things you can do to spice things up a bit…
ICO/STO Marketing Tips
Here are tips to keep in mind when it comes to formulating a winning ICO/STO marketing strategy in the crypto space:
Images: “A picture is worth a thousand words”… the importance of images and memes must not be underestimated. The crypto community loves witty images and memes. There are a plenty of free images and meme generators to use online.
Don’t spend thousands of dollars on ads: Ads are important, but many members of the crypto community strongly dislike it and with reason. It is better to spend the money directly on the community in the form of giveaways, contests, sponsorships, etc. or for work done (shoutouts, blogs posts, etc.). Try to involve as many people as possible in any such efforts.
No rules: When dealing with the crypto community, it is important to take into account the “no rules” spirit that prevails. Don’t fail to keep this in mind when formulating your ICO/STO marketing strategy. This is not to say there should be no rules (e.g. rules are needed for the effective management of social media groups, etc), it is only to say that hammering on the rules or laws created by the authorities, especially the oppressive ones, will not win you any brownie points. In short: Don’t use rules as an excuse to be a-holes.
Personal: It is important, as part of your ICO/STO marketing strategy, to get personal with the crypto community. E.g. if you’re having a shit day, don’t shy away from it by trying to play Mr. Tough Nuts. Share it with the community. Likewise, if you’re feeling at the top of the world or excited about something, share it! You might be surprised by the level of support you and your project will gain by showing your human side – even when imperfect (as if anybody is perfect lol). Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a perfect example of someone who has mastered the art of being human – and the crypto community loves him for it.
Show respect for your competitors: It may come over as strange, but it is in the crypto space important to show respect for your competitors. E.g. follow their social media profiles and occasionally positively reply to and retweet their social media posts. This might come over as absolutely nuts, but it sends a strong and important message to the crypto community and those who support and follow your competitors. Firstly, you show that you don’t feel threatened by them, and secondly, that you understand the importance of cooperation in this space. You may be surprised by how many competitors will turn around and offer solid ways to cooperate that benefit all parties involved. This is not even to speak of the new followers you will gain.
Pay it Forward: If someone does you a favor, be sure to do something nice for them in return and pay it forward. E.g. if someone likes and retweet something you’ve posted, return the favor and be sure to follow their twitter page. Then pay it forward by liking and retweeting the post of someone else. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. You may be pleasantly surprised by how fast it snowballs into an awe-inspiring network of support that grows in leaps and bounds – far beyond anything that you could accomplish single-handedly!
May your ICO/STO marketing strategy be successful beyond your wildest dreams. Now go take action!
Image courtesy of Pexels
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