
On April 14, 2016, law enforcement authorities raided the headquarters of the narcotics vendor shop “Chemical Love” arresting five suspects. The bust resulted in investigators seizing massive amounts of drugs. Now, the defendants are standing trial in the courtroom in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany.

When German police arrested the five suspects and raided the “narcotics depot”, they found an astonishing amount of drugs. Law enforcement authorities seized approximately 45 kilograms of amphetamine imported from the Netherlands, more than 3.5 kilograms of amphetamine, 1.4 kilograms of cocaine, 230 grams of heroin, 4,158 LSD trips, 2 kilograms of hash, 250 grams of crystal meth, 4.7 kilograms of MDMA in crystalline form, and 5.1 kilograms of ecstasy pills. In addition, they are expected to receive approximately 75 kilograms of amphetamine, 3.6 kilograms of MDMA, 2,700 LSD trips, 12,800 ecstasy pills, 1,67 kilograms of cocaine, 300 grams of heroin, 2.93 kilograms of hash and 2,300 kilos of amphetamine 165 grams of crystal meth.

However, the main suspect in the case, who goes by the pseudo name “z100”, founded the whole website for legal purposes. In 2011, he formed a legit company for “Liveshopping, e-dating and e-commerce” with a partner. He sold fashion products, jewelry, and electronic goods on the website. However, the shop was unsuccessful, customers complained about the slow delivery times of the supplier, and the high prices of the store. In September 2013, the owners wiped out the company from the business register due to the lack of assets. Later on, z100 tried to work as a real estate agent in the Stuttgart area. However, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Koblenz, from May 2015, the defendant made his money by trading narcotics.

After z100 established the Chemical Love vendor shop, both on the clearnet (the normal part of the internet) and on the dark web, it didn’t take much time for him to became famous in the dark net community. Authorities claim that the drug shipments of the vendor shop are regarded as the largest in Germany with about 50 deliveries per day. The main suspect set up a web shop on the internet, which for he created an offshore company in Tonga. Both on the clearnet website and on the dark web, the vendor shop accepts bitcoin payments exclusively for the narcotics.

Investigators had been on the trail of the suspects for quite long time. They identified an alleged criminal, screened him and tapped his phone. The defendant was responsible for the packaging and the dispatch of the substances. He, along with z100 and a third suspect from Rülzheim, will stand trial on March 9. The Central Criminal Office (LZC) announced the charges against the six defendants, who are between the ages of 23 and 61, on October 11, 2016. Walter Kelsch, a 61-year-old ex-soccer player is among the accused persons. Kelsch was under investigation for investment fraud since 2013. The first charges are against two 30-year-olds. Both of them are charged with the importation of 90kg of amphetamine and 3 kg of marijuana from the Netherlands. According to the indictment, the two 30-year-olds met up with a 29-year-old defendant in 2015. Additionally, the three suspects were charged with the importation of 60 kg of amphetamine between December 2015 and March 2016. A 35-year-old was charged with the transportation of 45 kg of amphetamine. Kelsch and a 23-year-old defendant were charged with providing aid for illicit trafficking and illicit importation of narcotics in “not a small quantity”.

In addition to the drugs, during the raid on the narcotics depot, law enforcement authorities found a list of about 2,200 orders. In September 2016, German police launched a nationwide action against 63 suspects, who are believed to be the customers of Chemical Love. According to the Attorney General’s Office in Koblenz, about 300 investigators participated in the raid, performing house searches at 68 locations.

Recently, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Koblenz started more than 1,000 investigations against past customers of the vendor shop. According to police information, law enforcement authorities seek to prosecute even the ones who ordered narcotics in small amounts from Chemical Love.

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