
TRON (TRX) started the month of August with 30,100 daily transactions. According to a tweet via the TRON Colony account, the number of average transactions rose to 206,000 by the end of the month. That number is nearly a third of Ethereum’s average daily transactions:

So Much Progress In So Little Time

This impressive figure is a significant milestone for any crypto project to reach, but TRON’s is notable since the mainnet launched only two months ago.

The tweet states that TRON made it up to 416,000 at its August peak, but according to, the platform hit 440,135 transactions on the 31st. Comparatively, Ethereum hit a daily high of 780,000 transactions, with a minimum of 538,500.

TRON is currently the 13th-ranked cryptocurrency by market cap while Ethereum is second. Justin Sun, TRON’s founder, has been vocal about his disdain for Ethereum and other cryptocurrency projects, often stating his platform is better than the others.

While he may be right in some regards, Sun’s project still has some catching up to do. As of this writing, TRON has 300,525 user accounts – well under Ethereum’s estimated 42 million.

Suggested Reading : Read up on TRON in our beginner’s guide.

The Year of TRON?

Regardless, this is big news for a startup that hardly even had a platform before this year. TRON has been making all sorts of improvements to their network in 2018. Not only did the project launch its own social media dApp, but it purchased BitTorrent, acquired, and pushed a virtual machine out of beta just last week. The TRON virtual machine is compatible with Ethereum projects and reportedly more efficient, so we may see more users jumping ship to the new platform soon.

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