Tron Mainnet

With the upcoming TRON Mainnet launch on May 31, many token holders wonder what they need to do in advance to keep their TRON tokens safe and secure. Due to the numerous inquiries we would like to give an overview of the stock exchanges and wallets, which will support TRON after 31 May and which not.

First of all, it is very important to know that the TRON token is still based on the Ethereum platform and is an ERC20 token. This will change with the migration from TRON to Mainnet. The launch means that all TRX – ERC – 20 tokens become invalid and the “new” TRX coin is created.

The migration is scheduled for 21 June 2018. From then on all ERC-20 tokens will be migrated to the TRX-Coin. From then TRON has its own blockchain and no longer uses the Ethereum Blockchain. From 21st to 25th June, TRX payouts will be suspended on exchanges. In addition, TRX deposits will be suspended on June 25th. Deposits and withdrawals will resume on June 26th.

For TRON owners, it is important to know whether the wallet, the stock exchange or even the hardware wallet supports the migration to Mainnet. H. The transfer of the TRX token to the TRX Coin will be done automatically, so you do not have to take any action as a user or you have to be active as a user, in whatever way.

Below is a list (without claim to completeness) of crypto currency exchanges currently supporting TRON Mainnet. If stock exchanges are missing, we ask for notification to complete the list:


Many TRON owners are sure to keep their TRX tokens on the MyEtherWallet. As far as the migration of Myetherwallet (MEW) is concerned, many people will not like the migration solution. The TRON migration forces the MEW users to transfer the money from the wallet to a stock exchange.

If your TRX is in a wallet, you must deposit your TRX on a stock exchange before 24 June 2018 to avoid losses.

Presumably, a variety of pesons store their ERC20-based TRX on the MyEtherWallet platform, either directly or indirectly through a hardware wallet. Transferring the TRX to one of the o. G. However, stock exchange is the only way to participate in Mainnet and not to lose its TRON. Whether the TRON community will like this transition remains to be seen. Some users will surely be disappointed that the hardware wallet TRON is no longer supported and forced to store their crypto currencies on an exchange.

On the other hand, much can happen until June 21st. Whether there will be another solution, remains to be seen. At the moment it does not look like it.

The wallet offered by TRON is not recommended by TRON itself and should therefore not be used.

The hype surrounding the TRON Mainnet leek

The launch of the TRON Testnet was characterized by a huge hype, in which the course of TRON recorded a significant increase. Just as spectacular and driven by hype, in recent weeks, the course was closer to the publication came, the euphoria is flattened a little last.

featured image by shutterstock

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