Bitcoin News

The past few weeks since the Bitcoin (BTC) ETF was delayed by the SEC, has been a tumultuous one in the markets for all digital currencies. Our favorite digital asset of Tron (TRX), has also not been spared. TRX is currently valued at $0.20 at the moment of writing this and down 6% in the last 24 hours. This is despite the project having a successful Testnet launch; a successful Mainnet launch; a successful Beta version launch of the Tron Virtual machine; as well as a successful token swap that started back in June and concluded a few weeks ago.

As a matter of fact, it has been a period of continual decline for the TRX digital asset since early May when it was valued at $0.0973. The digital asset has since fallen 80% in 4 months. Primarily to blame is the general decline in the crypto-markets that has been fueled by a sea of bad news after bad news. First, there was the rejection of the Winklevoss ETF followed by the postponement of the CBOE sponsored Bitcoin ETF up until the 30th of September. If it were not for these events, TRX would be a top 5 coin by now due to the massive achievements in a 12 month period.

Also to note is that the Justin Sun and the Tron (TRX) foundation have recently acquired BitTorrent and BlockChain.Org to further their decentralization efforts. But all this would not mean much if the Mainnet is not 100% functional including supporting the creation of DApps.

Here is why the 30th of August is Critical for the Tron Project

On this day, the Tron Foundation completes the final upgrade on the Mainnet by integrating the final version of the Tron Virtual Machine. The currently working Virtual Machine is a test version for the developer world to test drive and find bugs as well as get a feel for the final version of how the virtual machine will work.

In a recent interview to the Crypto Lark on Youtube, Justin Sun is quoted as saying the following with respect to launching the final Virtual Machine version on the 30th of August:

“Actually…we are ready for the launch already. But we are doing a lot of the tests…like the pressure test…volume test…to make sure it works very well when we launch. Our Mainnet was already launched on the 25th of June, but right now we are building the Virtual Machine on the Mainnet. The Virtual Machine is [where developers] can develop very interesting Decentralized Applications, DApps, on the network.”

Therefore it is all systems go for the Tron Project on the 30th August with the final piece of the puzzle finally in place. This will mean that the Tron Mainnet will be able to migrate the 18 current Tron Dapps to the Mainnet. One such app – Peiwo – is estimated at having over 10 Million active users. The total number of users on the 18 DApps was once claimed to be 100 Million. This means that all these users will migrate to the Mainnet as soon as the final Virtual Machine is ready.

With more users on the Tron Mainnet, the demand and use of TRX will also increase as a result. This means that the only way is up for TRX in the markets once DApps start being developed on the Mainnet. The Sky is the Limit for the Tron project henceforth.

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Image courtesy of Pexels

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