
There are God-knows-how-many ways to get use of cryptocurrency and blockchain system per se, since the humanity is aimed at the most  fruitful business results. If one is cognizant of the application of the cryptocurrency and blockchain, one can guarantee to have a perfect future. So, in the anphilades of the manners to gain the cryptocurrency and implement the work of the blockchain, there are still some fields, which have not been much investigated. Thus, there are some domains of human expertise, where no one could have ever thought to apply these principles to life, and these domains are quite close to each of us. Dating. Adult dating. Online adult dating.

In this article, we’ll point to how to get protected by using the cryptocurrency as a payment method and how to choose the most credible website to entrust them accomplishment of the services you might need. However, by the end of this current piece of writing, we will have uncovered the way how you can earn your cryptocurrency via the adult industry! So, we’re sure you are now more than intrigued to find out more and more to be conversant with how to make your wealth even more extensive! 

When the world (no matter which field of expertise to be concerned) was first dazed by the cryptocurrency popping up and fleshing out, the humankind did not really realize the innumerable ways of how the brand-new financial approach can ruin the old vision of businesses and make up a perfect financial industry. The rapid expansion of cryptocurrency all over the globe as well as within the biggest diversity of the domains of human activities could not but brought numerous researches on the essence of this new currency. However, we are sure that there is quite a substantial gap in the study of the domain, wherein cryptocurrency is successfully employed. What is more, there is a demesne, which no one could have ever imagined being related to the cryptocurrency and that this will be cryptocurrency that will dramatically change the manner of dating online. Yep, cryptocurrency and online adult dating are related now!

In compliance with the official stats by one of the most reputable dating sites reviewers, like, say, HookupGeek website, about 90% of all dating websites are nothing else but unthinkable scam. It not only fools the users up but also results in illegal financial operations. It’s not even necessary to be a professional financier or a competent economist in order to be aware of how it can reflect on the economies of the 21st century. Herein, the online dating business industry is fairly referred to the billionaire one, since the investment in this sphere are quite convincing! As a result, the question of anti-scam procedures is quite a logical to come across as well as the issue of releasing payment in such a way that no personal data are communicated.

What Can Cryptocurrency Do?

Each of the dating sites for adults is built on the principle of the so-called match-making. In other words, the computer-based algorithms used to match people being in search of a particular type do not always result in the most expected or at least satisfying outcomes. Here, the blockchain principles of work would go of use! Well, any crackerjack in cryptocurrency is aware that the blockchain is possible to be used not only in its direct application that is to mine the cryptocurrency per se. In addition to this, the among the myriads of the adult dating sites, you will be able to pick up the ones, which are really credible (and it is all because of cryptocurrency).

So, let’s see what the cryptocurrency can do and how it can simplify the process of match-making in such a way that it, first of all, starts to bring results, and, secondly, that it can deliver the most accurate and credible outcomes. That’s in fact easy if you at least once encountered the mere term of cryptocurrency and/or blockchain or used it. Hence,

  • the transparency and immutability are, in reality, the two key and the most profound principles, which drive the blockchain, and they are to be applicable for the dating industry;
  • because of the sensitive nature of both financial question and adult dating preferences, both the transparency and immutability are significant. However, there is one more aspect being as important as those two—anonymity;
  • credibility, in this case, is to be based (and it is!) on the three compounds mentioned above, so that when a person stimulates the growth of the cryptocurrency and uses it in their personal purposes, transparency, immutability, and anonymity would stimulate the growth of credibility.

Let’s now take a glance at these factors in more details being applied to both cryptocurrency and dating for adults online.

The biggest problem, which is presented in both financial (economic) apps (and trading activities) and entertainment domain, is that there is quite a big and serious stigma, which marks them both with the most negative connotation. For instance, the real money (physical or electronic) stored in the bank in your account can easily suffer from the diverse factors, like,

  • there are always the third parties, who have access to the data related to your financial situation (bank as an institution, the state, which the banks are accountable to, the banks’ employees and so on);
  • when you share your bank and/or payment details to the sites offering diverse services (including the dating ones), you can never be sure that they will not apply any hidden fees to your bank account (so, you hardly ever can have absolute transparency);
  • in compliance with the researches of the most trustful and extremely professional adult dating websites reviewer, about 80% of all the scam sites apply the hidden fees to their users and cause numerous financial issues of the most illegal nature;
  • it all happens just because you communicate your personal and billing details to the website and, as it turns out, you confirm every automatic charge requested and committed by the website, so no anonymity arises. As a result, you can be exposed not only to the financial fraud but also to the leakage of your personal data.

So, let’s now turn back to the cryptocurrency and how it can protect you when using any services online (including the dating ones, as well)? As you could have already guessed, that’s even more than just easy! The fact that cryptocurrencies are based on the principles, which have been already communicated, you can always count for not being ever charged with any of your permission or will. What is more, you will never have to identify your banking details, which can be then used to charge you without your will. Hence, by using the cryptocurrency as a payment option, no third parties will ever get any access to the financial data of your as well as to the opportunity to charge you constantly with no permission of yours.

So, stigma. This factor is linked directly to the lack of trust to the institutions involved in any finance-related services. Because of the idea that almost all of the services on the web are to be prepaid, you can now clearly understand that the transparency of the payment process is of importance and should be taken over by you from the very beginning up to its completion. So, this is why the payment methods like bank cards are absolutely deprived of any security from the point of view of your personal data, which can be used by the third parties.

Stigmatization also covers the dating websites, since they are frequently engaged in scamming the users. Thus, by preventing any banking data from being communicated to the third parties, one could have protected the proper storage of the privacy of any person. As a result, the work of the dating web platforms might have been more efficient. In reality, however, there is no point in doing so, since the main (and—as it is quite obvious now—predominant) reason, why the majority of the scam adult dating sites exist is to commit the fraudulent actions to the users with the purpose of gaining money in this illegal way.

When using Bitcoin as a payment method, every users of any service is more secure, since the data about any private details is not demonstrated and no one, as a result, has access to the information (which could be if you paid by using the bank account of yours). 

Why Use Cryptocurrency in Online Adult Dating?        

So, as it was already mentioned, the cryptocurrency can really provide you with all the necessary transparency, immutability, and anonymity when committing a payment for the web services. However, there is one more important point to touch upon in this case. Which one? Er, this is the process of verification, which you are to undergo if using Bitcoin (or any other cryptocurrency) as a payment method of your choice. Yep, verification is that step, which will prevent you from any scam forever. You will have to verify your personality but the other members of the cryptocurrency web platform for dating will have to, as well. So, you will forever forget about the problem of fake profiles.

If, say, you are going to come across any web services by any other service provider, you will have the same: you will never be exposed to fakes of any nature. So, when the cryptocurrency is utilized as a payment method, you will easily have a guarantee that you will never be fooled up or scammed! Isn’t it marvelous to feel secure in this cyber world of fraud and constant deceit? There is no need in proving this statement, isn’t there?

Turning back to the cryptocurrency and the manner in which it can be utilized with the better match-making process, it’ll be also of use to get to the bottom that by including the verification process, the cryptocurrency-based websites can improve their match-making. Of course, it is not necessarily to referred to only dating industry per se. When you have been verified, you are not a robot or any other bot-like system, you can count for the most truthful results to obtain in the course of search. If the matching mechanism on the dating websites is adjusted with the cryptocurrency verification process, it would be much easier to pick up the needed and expected option.

The blockchain solutions will surely modify the work of the websites and, as a result, will provide the best options to the users to get what they have come for. What is more, if you run up against a trustworthy service, you will never want to switch to any other one(s), which can get you exposed to the fraud or scam or any other illegal experiences. However, it is not over now with how the blockchain principle and solutions can be of use for the dating websites! Let’s have a look at some stats, which will help us analyze the real situation of improvement of the quality by utilizing the blockchain solutions. Thus, in compliance with the adult dating web platforms reviews, there are up to ten websites, which support the Bitcoin or Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency-based payment methods, and if they are compared to the other regular bank card payment options websites, the progress of the first is quite more convincing and promising.

Criterion Cryptocurrency Enabled Payment Options Cryptocurrency Disabled Payment Option
Number of fakes 89% decreased 58% increased
Cases of fraudulent activities close to 0 approximately 90% increased
Fruitfulness of search about 90% increased stays the same—close to 0
Number of visitors about 50% increase constant decrease

So, as it is evident from the table, the positive impact of the cryptocurrency and blockchain solutions being inbuilt in the websites is quite great and can protect the users’ data and rights.

The rise of cryptocurrency as a payment method has not taken place right long time ago. Of course, the process has been much gradual and accurate, since there was a real need in testing everything to provide the users with the most trustworthy results. As for the dating industry, the spread and emergence of the websites, which support the cryptocurrency as a payment method are characterized by diverse indexes in different countries. It means that—to a certain extent—the degree of cryptocurrency expansion is reflected on the websites to have built in the bitcoin payment option. Let’s see this regularity on the following example. It’s been decided to analyze the number of representatives from different countries who pay via bitcoin payment option for one dating site services. It turned out that a plenty of population have decided to switch to the dating service to pay via cryptocurrency. You can see the correlation of users from different countries with the percentage of bitcoin-based payment and their spread on one dating service.

Follow us till the end of the article to grab the idea on how bitcoin can be mined as well! So, it is here quite evident that the users from the countries where cryptocurrency is quite spread choose to pay for the dating service using it per se. In case, if you want to know more about such trustworthy dating services, you can always visit HookupGeek website to find out more and more.

So, what can be said in this case and what all these data mean? Let’s see,

  • the choice of cryptocurrency as a payment option has been finding more and more supporters, since this type of payment procedure guarantees anonymity while being online;
  • another reason to opt for the cryptocurrency as a payment option is that you can always monitor your financial activities without communicating them to the third parties;
  • one more aspect to utilize the cryptocurrency as a payment option is to have an absolutely transparent approach to the whole canvas of using a particular dating offer; and, finally,
  • the blockchain implemented into the work of the dating platforms online will give you an opportunity to generate the more fruitful results to find a really great person as you wished for.

So, these reasons seem to be comprehensive enough to give preference to the cryptocurrency-based websites and the ones, which utilize the blockchain solutions to master the functioning of their services. But, hey, don’t think that’s all the secret information we are going to share with you on how to earn money via dating and other adult industry domains! Hence, it goes without saying that the future of the most credible, professional, and fruitful websites is determined by intromitting the blockchain solutions from the point of view of the web platform functionality and introducing the cryptocurrency as a payment method from the point of view of the transparency and anonymity of the financial operations committed by a particular user.

Issues You Can Come Across

As it’s been already told, the issues, which are hidden with the majority of the dating websites are categorized as a stigma. So, if you do really have troubles of getting acquainted both in real life and on the web, you will be surely amused by the following information, which will generously share with you very-very soon!

So, if you have had at least one unpleasant experience of getting scammed with the dating website and/or webcam platforms for adults, you may clearly realize that the credibility of these platforms is paramount. In case if you have never used these services, you will, in any case, agree that the instances of online fraud are unacceptable. So, the purpose of this knowledge is not only to prevent you from any scam on the web, but also—as we have already promised—it is to provide you with some more ways on how your cryptocurrency treasures can be increased. So, be sure to read up to the end of the article to get the most tasty information on how to get more and more cryptocurrency with the adult industry!

Let’s now turn back to the issues, which one can encounter with the non-cryptocurrency-based payments on the adult websites. Thus, there are numerous dangers, which you could experience (but we hope, you’ll never do!),

  • because of the absolute lack of identity verification, the fake profiles/services/data are on your way, and they will serve as a perfect obstacle to how you could have succeeded;
  • if the adult websites are meant, because of the absolute lack of identity verification, the fake profiles/services/data you can be easily engaged in the illegal actions, since you don’t even know the real age of person(s) you are communicating;
  • the financial issues may arise because there is no safety of payment methods as well as there is no transparency.

Hence, if the cryptocurrency payment option is enabled—yes, there are some websites like this!—you can surely know that nothing can ruin your safety and protected storage of the personal data. First off, you don’t even really communicate your payment details. Secondly, if you don’t, no one can actually have access to them. Thirdly and finally, you will never experience any negative instances of financial scam or fraud.

What is more, within the framework of these issues, you will never be able to get the expected result, that is to get what you have paid for. But if you come up with utilization of the cryptocurrency-based payment method(s), you will get rid of any troubles. This is predominantly because you will have both… anonymity and transparency. Great, isn’t it? However, if you also know that a particular website utilizes the blockchain solutions for the better functionality of the web platform, you can really count for the best services, since when you enable the search engine, it will surely provide you with the most sensitive and the most accurate results. Hence, you can easily find and grab what you indeed wanted to! But if you also are aware of the fact that you can earn some dough, you’ll feel like a king of the whole world, since everything, which you might have dreamed of, would now come true!

Our Secret

Calm down, calm down! Yep, we’re right here, in the section, which we have promised throughout the whole of this current article—how you can earn real money with the adult industry. In fact, if you dealt with the cryptocurrency and if you are aware of the possible means to mine it, you can have at least some ideas on what we are going to narrate. Nevertheless, we have a strong conviction that you could have never imagined that there are some ways, and that you can do it without committing anything bad or illegal! By the way, the period within which you can have earned is quite short. In other words, get wind of these data to shortly gain nice amounts of cryptocurrency money!

So, as you might have observed it, the bulk of the article has been devoted to cryptocurrency directly and to the adult dating industry. However, we are sure you were an attentive reader, and you got our hint on where you can earn if the adult industry is touched upon. Yep, we were talking about adult webcam websites, where cute models perform their adult shows. No, we don’t force you to do the same, in no way! (Of course, you are absolutely free to consider this way to earn cryptocurrency, as well, but it is not now necessary!) We do not even advertise those sites. We just want to share with you how you can earn cryptocurrency without doing actually anything in particular.

So, the principle of cryptocurrency work in this case is to ensure that you buy something and sell something, as well, and you have your income on the difference between the cost of purchase and the cost of sale. You may ask, what exactly should be bought and then sold? And this is going to be the first logical question you need to know the answer! Hence, the ‘product’ which you are supposed to buy is tokens (or sometimes, these are referred to as coins or credits). Yep, they are the ‘currency’ used on the adult websites. As a rule, they are sold in special packages (the price and the number of tokens varies from the site to site, and we will not consider this information right now here). As soon as you bought a token package, say, consisting of 100 tokens (or credits), you will be eligible either to use it (in order to watch the shows by the models and tip them) or to resell the tokens. The tokens can be sold either to the other users of the same website (as a rule, they drop messages to ask if you can sell any tokens) or to the webcam models, who sometimes need them to have enough money to withdraw or to prolong their account to be a model. However, the thing is that some really credible web platforms have a payment option of cryptocurrency (as a rule, it is of course, Bitcoin, however, it doesn’t matter now). By selling your package for higher rates, you will have a difference between the initial price of the tokens and the one, which you can have them sold with.

Yeah, you can ask, how it can work in reality and if it is really so. That’s going to be another logical question you are expected to ask. The thing is that all the credible platforms have a sale of tokens (so that you can have them purchased with the discount of up to 70%), and then, you will be able to resell them with the ordinary price or by the price to be some lower than the new price for the packages of tokens. Be sure, you will have numerous clients. Also, you can search for the promo codes for a particular webcam platform to have another discount for the tokens. And then you apply the same system. So, you can really have great money earned with no serious harm. To have the list of the best webcam sites to do so, you can again visit the same HookupGeek website, as they review numerous websites and have innumerable pieces of advice in this case.

Now on, you know everything possible needed to start earning your new money! In addition to this, this type of activity is quite a new one, and it can serve as a perfect point to switch to in order to get some rest from the ordinary manner in which you mined the cryptocurrency. So, you can now fairly believe that the world of virtual money has got closer to you! Just enjoy and even don’t thank!

Some Final Thoughts

There is no point in arguing that the future is inevitable—and thanks God, quite successfully—linked to cryptocurrencies. They emergence is not eventual, and it drives the e-commerce of the modern times. So, there are no limits in how you can receive more and more to multiply your wealth. Thus, be a part of this magnificent present and no less amusing future, and you will have even more cool ideas!

Huh, that’s been another nice article to share with you about the most innovative—and, what is more,—the most unexpected view on the cryptocurrency, its application (you have to admit that it was really unexpected and cool to know), and its new ways to mine. We are sure it’s been of use to you and you will once try at least one of the sites to start earning even more. Believe, no one should ever reject any ideas on making cryptocurrency out of the most unexpected and weird manners. The main advantage in this case is that it is a real secret, and you are the first to find it out and utilize, so there is now no rivalry to earn the desired cryptocurrency to have it converted into any money with no regard to your age and geographic position! So, think of the cool chances you have just found out about and move forward to your success, since it’s so close to you!

image by Shutterstock

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