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2017 Will be A Great Year For Save Haven Assets

Comparisons between gold and bitcoin continue to be drawn, even though these two assets are not exactly alike. The outlook for both...

Using Keyless Signatures To Promote Immutability of Permissioned Blockchains

The advent of bitcoin introduced the world to a new concept of “immutability” that promotes the transparency and efficiency of financial transactions. Once data...

Monero Price Analysis – HitBTC Volume Can Drive XMR Value Upward

Hardly anyone will be surprised to learn virtually nothing has changed in the Monero markets over the past 48 hours. It is one of...

Blockchain Gets a Special Place in the Fintech Prediction for 2017

The Fintech industry is currently in its prime. The increasing usage of cryptocurrency technology for financial applications has made blockchain technology synonymous...

China Spearheads the Global Blockchain Business Council

China is the land that gave birth to the great military general and strategist, Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu is well-known for his...

ZCash on Ethereum: Anonymity With Smart Contracts

Ethereum was designed and developed to operate as...

mBTC Trading May Come To BTCC Exchange Shortly

A lot of things are changing in the world of bitcoin exchanges right now. Bobby Lee, CEO of BTCC, is contemplating a...

Litecoin: A New Economy for The Future

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that makes instant, near zero cost payment possible to its users worldwide. It is an open-source, world payment...

Chinese Gold ETF Surges Following PBOC’s Investigation into BTC Exchanges

The recent inspection of Chinese Bitcoin exchanges by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has got many investors moving towards the next...

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – ETH/USD Uptrend Intact

Key Highlights ETH price maintained its bullish bias against the US Dollar and closed above the $9.60 level. There was a break above a...

Fred Ehrsam, Cofounder of Coinbase Plans to Step Down

Fred Ehrsam, one of the founders of Coinbase, the leading Bitcoin company has decided to move on to brighter pastures. The cryptocurrency...

PBOC Unveils Plans To Create Blockchain-based RMBCoin

Even though China is not a big fan of Bitcoin, they see the merit of digital currencies. In fact, the PBOC has...

Elmshorn Man Arrested For Buying Drugs From Dark Web

A 31-year-old was arrested in Elmshorn, Germany for buying narcotics from the dark web. The Customs Office in Essen intercepted a package containing 500 grams...

Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload 2.0 & BitCache Experience Aborted Launch

Evander Smart · January 21, 2017 · 12:00 pm ...

Why Coinbase’s Cofounder Is Moving On

Goldman Sachs (gs) trader revealed in a blog post Wednesday that he would resign from his day-to-day role at the company at end of...

Feathercoin: Interview With Peter Bushnell

In this past month, it seems like alternate cryptocurrencies have been all the rage. Earlier last month, Sunny King released Primecoin, a prime-number based...

ChronoBank to launch revolutionary LaborX exchange

The recruitment industry is broken, with intermediaries charging high fees to introduce suitable employees to businesses seeking to fill vacancies. Whilst this...

Minnesota Murder Plot Leads to Dark Web Investigation

Police charged a Cottage Grove, Minn. man with...

Monero Price Analysis – Flat Charts As Far As The Eye Can See

When things remain status quo in the cryptocurrency world, there is very little to talk about. Investors, speculators, and other traders tend to lose...

Australia Plans To Invest Millions In Fintech Startups

Australia is a country where fintech is a top priority right now. Local accelerator H2 Ventures received an AU$4m warchest from Investec, which will...

Imperial College London and Blockchain Starts Digital Asset Research Lab

The blockchain is slated to be the future of technology, irrespective of the industry segment. As more industries continue to explore the...

INTERPOL Hosts Digital Currencies & Money Laundering Conference in Qatar

Law enforcement agencies from multiple countries, government agencies,...

Investors All Over The World Hint At Bullish Trends To Come

The year 2017 could be quite promising for investors and the assets they tend to speculate on. New research indicates how nearly six in...

Experts Are Wary Of Economic Growth Figures Presented by China

China has released their official economic growth numbers for 2016. As was to be expected, things are not looking great, although the...

Indian Government is Training Policemen to Crackdown Electronic Fraud

Indian government and law enforcement are allocating increased capital in training police officers to crackdown electronic fraud involving online transactions. A facility was launched...

Aeternity Blockchain Development Lab Announces Public Testnet

Aeternity, a blockchain development lab in Liechtenstein, has...

Three Silk Road Vendors Convicted for Online Drug Distribution

A federal jury in Orlando, Florida, found Julian Villa-Gomez Lemus, a 31-year-old from Visalia, CA, guilty of selling drugs via the darknet. Previously—or very...

Monero Price Analysis – Boring Trading Action Pushes XMR Over US$12

Another day of trading is in the books for Monero, and very little has changed yet again. One positive note is how each XMR...

Chinese Media Outlet Claims BTCC Operates In “Risky” Manner

It appears the PBOC investigation of the Chinese Bitcoin exchange BTCC is coming up with some unexpected results.After cracking down on margin trading, it...

Coinbase Co-founder Announces Departure, Claims More Employees May Leave As Well

Big changes are coming to Coinbase, although it remains unclear how things will play out in the long run. Company co-founder Fred Ehrsam has...

Tithecoin Offers 10% Bonus during 1st Month of ICO

Tithecoin launched its ICO on the 25th of December 2016. The Initial Coin Offering (or ICO) will continue till the end of...

BitFury Launches ‘Global Blockchain Business Council’ in Davos

The Bitfury Group, prominently known as a developer...

Banking in Finland just became more accessible

Following the recent regulation guidelines in the European Union, Finland has just became more open towards foreign nationals, as of 1st of January any...

German Arrested for Buying Ammo on the Darknet

In Mettmann—East of Düsseldorf in the North Rhine-Westphalia state, a 45-year-old IT specialist fell under law enforcement’s scope of suspects for online firearms purchases....

Bank of Korea: FinTech Companies Will Reshape Financial Industry

Non-financial technology companies with a growing expertise in...

Roger Ver Suspended From Reddit After Doxing Theymos

The Reddit world is always filled with some interesting developments. According to a recent post, Roger Ver has been suspended from Reddit....

Cryptocurrency Coins: Dominating the Online Market

Cryptocurrency is a secure method of online payment as compared to credit cards. Payment is made through coins that are called cryptocurrency coins. Reportedly,...

Legal nationality beyond national boundaries and the role of blockchain. Estonian project case study 

Estonia, well-known by its electronic legal nationality project, is light years away from other countries in digitalization and business convenience area. Well,...

Government Official Admits Chinese Economic Data Tampering Is Real

For several years now, there have been doubts regarding the accuracy of Chinese economic data. Experts have stated how the county government...

Three Irishmen Jailed For Dark Web Drug Trading, Use of Cash Vital in Crackdown

As previously reported by DeepDotWeb In December, three Irishmen including Richard Sinclair of Coleraine, Stephen Rodgers of Carrickfergus and Kyle Hall of Belfast were...

How Massive is eSports Betting?

eSports betting is actively expanding its territory in the online gaming industry. In addition to playing video games, players can now also bet on...

Users at the Centre of Creditbit’s Second Stage of Development

Creditbit has stepped up its game with the second phase of development, which it has named Credit 2.0. Under Credit 2.0, Creditbit is...