Bitcoin Press Release: Solareum attended Restart Week in Rincon. Solareum takes on philanthropic mission to turn Puerto Rico into an eco-friendly solar island. All while reaching a major milestone and being listed on 4 new exchanges.
July 30th 2018. Liechtenstein, Germany: Solareum coin is the first of its kind, and has been highly anticipated going live on many various exchanges. This week Solareum is featuring RIghtBTC.com as the featured exchange of the week, they will continue to do this with various exchanges throughout the quarter, as well as be listed on many more in the near future.
Solareum is not only a coin that will revolutionize the solar industry; they are focused on making the planet more eco-friendly, and helping people and the environment at the same time.
Restart Week
On May 14, 2018 Solareum was interviewed by BBC and Vice at restart week. A week filled with industry leaders and significant innovations. One of them being Solareum, which not only is a cryptocurrency listed as SLRM. Over restart week Solareum CMO, Justin Lally pledged to donate the best solar panels to Puerto Rico. In turn, helping the island go green and bounce back from natural disasters much quicker.
This is one of many of the philanthropic mission Solareum has and will continue to do. Now anyone, anywhere at any time can buy the currency, as well as purchase the best solar products available and have installed all while using Solareum ( SLRM ) exclusively.
These are only two of many things Solareum ( SLRM ) is and will be offering. By visiting Solareum.Club, Users can buy the currency ( SLRM), via credit card or with over 15 cryptocurrencies. Then being able to buy the best solar panels and installed anywhere, anytime for a price incomparable to any other company.
This currency is not only the first of its kind, but it’s also helping the world and environment at the same time. This currency, Solareum ( SLRM) along with very few other cryptocurrencies, has a great cause, useful and helping the planet at the same time.
Being that there are many beneficial attributes to this currency ( SLRM ), Solareum users can help the environment. The question is how much money and helps the world do you want? From the market reaction and SLRM solar panel orders, people see the value of this coin.
About Solareum
The Solareum platform is set to provide the global community renewable energy products, leading the solar energy market with a P2P or B2B business model. Any renewable company can become a Solareum affiliate. Solareum offers trust and reliability to sustain decentralized ethical practices.
Visit the Website: https://www.solareum.club
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Media Contact
Name: Mrinal Asthana
Email: [email protected]
Solareum is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all. Token sales are only suitable for individuals with a high risk tolerance. Only participate in a token event with what you can afford to lose

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