July 31th, Santa Clara, California, USA – Delivering high-quality data and building crypto community engagement is viewed as mission-critical to blockchain company brand perception and value. Despite this, many online groups have been hijacked by disgruntled followers, scammers, malicious bots, and users; all treating the environment as a helpdesk rather than a community. California-based blockchain startup StatX is taking a new approach by providing an information-sharing and messaging mobile app for the crypto and blockchain community.
Noah Pierau, Community Builder at Decred, (a top 30 cryptocurrency with a focus on governance) had this to say about StatX;
“While there are many pure chat applications, StatX has the unique ability to combine technical indicators such as exchange rate and PoS info conveniently with chat functionality, all in one beautiful mobile app. StatX improves the signal to noise ratio in the blockchain community.”
According to the company, the issue with fellow messaging apps such as Telegram is that they are ‘conversation-centric’, rather than ‘Information-centric’. StatX app users can expect a well presented, simple and elegant dashboard offering company financial and status information.
This often includes updated financial data and metrics like market cap, price, token distribution, social reach, and product roadmap milestones. The app can also provide users with the status of programs like airdrops and bounty programs. Also, if users are not in the app, they won’t miss important updates since notifications can be set to alert users anytime a dashboard stat changes.
In addition, full-featured chat is just one tap away, and because the dashboard addresses most of the communities FAQs and information needs, the chat promises to be of much higher quality since only “value add” questions and topics are raised. Users no longer need to scroll madly to find the admin posts with the information they need.
The company has seen strong adoption and interest in using the app for ICO and crypto fund investor relations. The app is also used as a mobile information sharing platform for crypto exchanges and coin or ICO listing sites. Moreover, StatX is an open platform that any organization can use to create easily a community of serious investors and followers that are interested in tracking and conversing around key company information that changes frequently.
Prasad Raje, StatX co-founder and CEO offered these words on StatX and it’s growing network;
“Our secret sauce is the unique way StatX combines information and conversation to drive a higher quality and higher value user experience. It’s gratifying to see that our approach has been validated in the marketplace by a growing number of crypto industry innovators such as Boosto, Decred, Foleum, MediBloc, ZCoin and many others.”
Another major advantage of StatX is that it supports several measures designed to minimize spam and scams. For example, unlike Telegram, StatX does not publish an open API for followers of a group (an API is available for group admins to automatically create and update stats). Admins also benefit from having a more streamlined and automated process for sharing information via the dashboard. They can also leverage tools like “quick reply” which is used to provide answers instantly to recurring questions.
Reuben Zap, COO of Zcoin, had this to say about the company’s partnership with StatX;
“Zcoin is happy to partner with StatX to deliver Zcoin price and blockchain metrics to our community via StatX. We want this to be a high quality information and conversation channel with all parties interested in Zcoin.”
As a company at the heart of the crypto brand-building ecosystem, Boosto, the leading influencer-driven decentralized app store, appreciates solutions that help companies get out ahead of their own brand narrative.
Boosto CPO Rock Zhang stated;
“By presenting the metrics and company data that we want to share and driving the conversation around that, StatX provides an excellent tool for proactively building and controlling our brand online,”
Learn more about StatX – https://www.statx.io/
Download StatX on the App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/apple-store/id1033683041?pt=117886919&ct=pr_27
Download StatX on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.statx.anduril&referrer=utm_source%3Dpr_27
Follow StatX on Twitter – https://twitter.com/StatXapp
StatX Blog – https://www.statx.io/blog/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=facAAM9IUk4
Media Contact
Contact Name: Wayne Caccamo
Contact Email: [email protected]
Company Name: StatX Inc.
StatX is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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