Bitcoin Press Release VegaWallet, “The Complete Cryptocurrency Platform” will provide businesses and consumers with real-world applications for crypto payments.
September 25th, 2018, Malta – The VegaWallet platform will allow businesses not only to receive crypto payments (In addition to traditional cash and credit) but also sell crypto to customers as well. The platform will bridge the gap between consumers who wish to purchase items with cryptocurrency, and businesses who do not yet accept blockchain based digital assets.
The VegaWallet (“VegaPay”) application does this by instantly transferring the authorized amount to its built-in exchange, then sending the correct amount of fiat funds to modern payment terminals through Near Field Communication technology. This process makes paying with your Bitcoin (or several other popular cryptos) more accessible than ever before, and unlike other companies, there is no need for a special debit card or chip.
VegaWallet’s platform is a two-phase project. During VegaWallets token sale users will be able to use the multi-currency digital asset wallet and the built-in exchange. These products are finishing up alpha testing and should be available to the public shortly.
VegaWallets’ POS
Then things get interesting. VegaWallet’s second phase delivers a complete point of sale system that not only allows businesses to transact using cryptocurrency but allows the purchase of crypto using these locations like a gift card. Consumers will be able to have cryptocurrency added to each VegaWallet account on check-out. Imagine buying your groceries and adding BTC, LTC, ETH, or VGW tokens to your account at the same time.
VegaWallet provides the option for users to pay directly with cash as well. Businesses will be able to sell cryptocurrency straight from a wallet of collected funds or collect a small commission for selling the funds from VegaWallet’s exchange.
VegaWallet will introduce “VegaPay” at the end of phase two development. VegaPay, when activated, will verify the transaction and immediately use the VegaWallet exchange to trade the correct amount of cryptocurrency in your wallet account to fiat to pay at any locations that do not yet accept cryptocurrency. The funds will then be sent to the terminal using Near Field Communication (NFC) integration.
VegaPay will create a one-time use credit card number for entrance through the phone or online. This unique number can be treated as a gift card and will be backed by all security protocols. VegaPay will use the one-time code instead of providing a permanent number for increased account security and reducing fraud or hacking attempts related to VegaWallet services. This technology will be as easy to use as other current mobile pay applications without the hassle of bank verifications.
VegaPay will open the world to the wonders of cryptocurrency and when combined with different facets of our platform give users the ultimate cryptocurrency experience.
About VegaWallet
VegaWallet’s Public Sale started on September 17th, 2018. The VGW Token presents several use cases across the platform including instant and zero-fee transfers. Users will see the first applications launched in the coming months as VegaWallet plans to lead the mass adoption of real-world cryptocurrency applications.
Tarek Hajri, CEO stated,
“VegaWallet aims to be a complete cryptocurrency platform. Our Products and services will cover your journey into cryptocurrency every step of the way. We’ll make it easy to buy and trade, give you a safe place to store it, then provide options for spending it the way you want.”
VegaWallet has partnered with major healthcare companies such as AscellaHealth to implement the payments systems where applicable and to develop blockchain based protocols to streamline business practices. You can find VegaWallet listed on popular websites like ICObench, FoundICO, and NAGA-Trading.
For more Information, visit the website at – https://VegaWallet.com
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Media Contact
Contact Name: Jacob Ballou
Email: [email protected]
VegaWallet is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all. Token sales are only suitable for individuals with a high-risk tolerance. Only participate in a token event with what you can afford to lose. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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