The Brave Browser could use Wikipedia to add a prominent name to the list of publishers. Brave wants to urge trackers, scammers and middlemen from the digital advertising market to pay their wages directly to content creators. In addition, the users of the browser can earn while surfing BAT rewards.
Batgrowth.com announces that the multilingual encyclopedia portal Wikipedia has been officially added to the Brave Browser as a verified publisher.
According to Alexa, an analysis tool for web traffic, Wikipedia ranks 7th in the world. Batgrowth.com includes the list of verified BAT publishers. Brave is a browser that values privacy and security.
Wikipedia has 121,815 active, independent contributors on its website. Paying wages fairly through such a number of contributors is a challenge, if at all possible. Because it is in the hands of a central authority to distribute the funds.
Brave’s direct distribution approach could be well received, at least among content publishers.
Brave Browser: Users earn Basic Attention Token (BAT)
The Brave Browser was founded by, among others, Brendan Eich, the creator of Java Script and co-founder of Mozilla. It is a privacy browser where blocking of any advertisement is the default. Because Brave sees the market for digital advertising dominated by middlemen, trackers and scammers. By implementing its own Basic Attention Token (BAT), Brave aims to create a transparent and efficient digital advertising market through the use of blockchain technology. Content publishers should receive their wages directly in BAT. In addition, the users of the Brave Browser can voluntarily display advertising and receive a reward in BAT.
Currently, Brave has listed over 30,000 verified publishers. Brave is in the market of digital advertising in direct competition with the likes of Google or Facebook, which dominate the market.

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