Bitcoin press release: Powered by blockchain startup BLOCKv’s NFT technology, “Vatoms“, Vodafone is “dropping” thousands of tech prizes all over London in an augmented reality giveaway this week including the new iPhone 11.
28th September 2019, Zug Switzerland – The Vodaphone #FindUnlimited game challenges players to find and interact with Vatoms (virtual objects that can be transformed into dynamic virtual goods) dropped in augmented reality AR at six high-footfall locations across Central London, using just their phone’s web browser. Each player has six Vatoms to find and unlock at each London location, each giving them a chance at winning top tech prizes including Airpods, iTunes vouchers and even the new iPhone 11.
#FindUnlimited shows the unique capabilities of BLOCKv’s Vatom platform, powered by their token VEE, to deliver large scale immersive and fun customer engagement, with minimal friction, whilst leveraging the power of blockchain NFT’s to provide audibility, ownership, and scarcity. Each redeemable prize Vatom is a unique ERC-721 token on the Ethereum blockchain created with the BLOCKv platform and accessible for users via the Vatom web browser app.
BLOCKV last implemented it’s NTF technology on June 1st this year, by creating a unique digital experience for the 16,000 attendees of the FREE Your Mind Festival, Showcasing how it’s Vatom technology can be applied to enhance the user experience in a festival environment.
How to Play
The Find Unlimited game is open to everyone, but Vodafone customers will hold a slight advantage with exclusive clues to prize locations given out at 11 am daily. Any gamers who share their experience on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram will get an additional location clue for the following day’s iPhone 11 prize location, a bonus that is valid on every gaming day!
Visit www.findunlimited.co.uk to learn more, pre-register, play, and win!
About BLOCKv
BLOCKv provides a development platform with a complete set of APIs, robust tools and training that enable developers to create and emit digital objects on the blockchain. These objects, called Vatoms, can be obtained and viewed across any mobile device. Vatoms are highly programmable objects that store and secure digital goods and move seamlessly between users. When combined with the creativity of the BLOCKv developer and partner community, Vatoms become the experience layer to the blockchain and present a new level of human engagement.
Learn more about the BlockV platform – https://www.blockv.io/
Read more about the event on the Vodafone Blog – https://blog.vodafone.co.uk/2019/09/18/find-unlimited-with-vodafones-unique-augmented-reality-game/
Read more on Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/r/blockv/
Connect on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/blockv.io/
Stay updated via Twitter – https://twitter.com/blockv_io?lang=en
Meet the team – https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockv/
Media Contact Details
Contact Name: Lukas Fluri
Contact Title: COO
Contact Email: [email protected]
BlockV is the source of this content and accepts all legal responsibility for the content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.
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